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FERPA is a federal law that pertains to the release of and access to student educational records. This law seeks to protect the rights of students and to ensure the privacy and accuracy of education records.
At MSU Denver, a “student” is considered any person who has been admitted to the university.
FERPA applies to educational institutions and requires the following:
In order to protect your FERPA rights and records, all MSU Denver communication will be sent to your assigned MSU Denver student email account. Please be sure to check your student email account on a regular basis.
The Office of the Registrar is the official University student record keeper. Please use the following drop downs to learn more about how FERPA pertains to your individuals needs. If you have any questions, contact the Records and Registration Team.
La Ley de Privacidad y Derechos Educativos de la Familia (FERPA, por su sigla en inglés) es una ley federal que contempla la divulgación y el acceso a los expedientes educativos de los estudiantes. La ley busca proteger los derechos de los estudiantes y garantizar la privacidad y precisión de los expedientes educativos.
La Ley FERPA se aplica a las instituciones educativas y requiere lo siguiente:
En MSU Denver, un “estudiante” es considerado cualquier persona que haya sido admitido a la universidad.
A fin de proteger los derechos relativos a la Ley FERPA y los expedientes, todas las comunicaciones de MSU Denver se enviarán a la cuenta de correo electrónico del estudiante asignada por la Universidad. Revisa tu cuenta de correo electrónico regularmente.
La Oficina de Secretaría General (Office of the Registrar) es el organismo oficial de la Universidad donde se conservan los expedientes estudiantiles. Haz clic en las siguientes secciones desplegables para obtener más información sobre cómo la Ley FERPA se relaciona con tus necesidades individuales. Si tienes preguntas, comunícate con el equipo de expedientes e inscripciones.
As an MSU Denver student, FERPA grants you the following rights:
FERPA also protects your student educational records. The Office of the Registrar is the official University student record keeper. In compliance with FERPA, we will not release your educational records to anyone but you, unless you specifically ask us to do so. We will release directory information to credible third parties, but you can ask us to keep this information confidential, as well.
The following dropdowns help to explain FERPA in greater detail. If your FERPA questions are not answered here, please feel free to contact the Office of the Registrar at
Como estudiante de MSU Denver, la Ley FERPA te otorga los siguientes derechos:
La Ley FERPA también protege tus expedientes estudiantiles. La Oficina de Secretaría General es el organismo oficial de la Universidad donde se conservan los expedientes estudiantiles. De acuerdo con la Ley FERPA, no divulgaremos tus expedientes educativos a ninguna persona, excepto tú, a menos que lo solicites específicamente. Divulgaremos la información que figura en el directorio a terceros de confianza, pero también puedes solicitarnos que mantengamos la confidencialidad de esa información.
Las siguientes secciones desplegables explican de qué se trata la Ley FERPA más detalladamente. Si no encuentras respuesta a tus preguntas sobre la Ley FERPA aquí, no dudes en llamar a la Oficina de Secretaría General al para obtener más información.
All MSU Denver student records are considered educational records, with the following exceptions:
This means that your student number (900#), grades, GPA, class schedule, residency status, marital status and all other information on your file are considered educational records and, thus, protected by FERPA. MSU Denver school officials with a legitimate educational interest and you are the only individuals who can access this information.
For access to general information pertaining to your grades, GPA, classes, tuition bills, etc., log onto the Student Hub.
Todos los expedientes estudiantiles de MSU Denver se consideran expedientes educativos, con las siguientes excepciones:
Esto significa que tu número del estudiante (900#), calificaciones, promedio general, horarios de clases, estatus de residencia, estado civil y cualquier otra información en tu expediente se consideran expedientes educativos y, por lo tanto, están protegidos por la Ley FERPA. Los funcionarios de MSU Denver con un interés educativo legítimo y tú son los únicos que pueden acceder a esta información.
Para tener acceso a la información general con respecto a tus calificaciones, promedio general, clases, facturación de la colegiatura, etc., inicia sesión en el Centro Estudiantil.
If your parents claim you as a dependent when filing taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), they can view certain parts of your educational record, like your grades and tuition bills, without your written consent. In order to gain access to this information, your parents must show a copy of their most recent tax return to prove that they do claim you as a dependent.
In all other cases, we must obtain your written consent before releasing your educational records to third parties. You can allow MSU Denver to release your information to designated parties (e.g., parents, potential employers, scholarship advisors, etc.) by adding them as a Proxy through the Proxy Management System.
To grant MSU Denver permissions to use classroom recordings of your voice and/or likeness for educational or promotional purposes, complete the Student Consent to Release Confidential Information
Relating to Classroom Recordings form.
Si tus padres te incluyen como dependiente en su declaración de impuestos ante el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS), pueden ver determinadas secciones de tu expediente educativo, como tus calificaciones y la facturación de la colegiatura, sin tu consentimiento por escrito. Para obtener acceso a esta información, deben mostrar una copia de la declaración de impuestos más recientes para comprobar que te incluyeron como dependiente.
En los demás casos, debemos obtener tu consentimiento por escrito antes de divulgar tus expedientes educativos a terceros. Para permitir que MSU Denver divulgue tu información a personas específicas (p. ej., padres, posibles empleadores, asesores de becas, etc.), debes agregarlas como apoderadas en el sistema de gestión de apoderados.
FERPA allows each school to determine what it considers to be directory information. MSU Denver considers the following items to be directory information, and we may release this information to credible third parties unless you specifically request otherwise:
All other personal information is considered private and will not be disclosed to third parties unless you specifically ask us to release it.
La Ley FERPA permite que cada institución educativa determine qué se considera información del directorio. MSU Denver considera que lo siguiente es información del directorio, y podrá divulgarla a terceros de confianza, a menos que nos solicites específicamente que no lo hagamos:
La demás información personal se considera privada y no se divulgará a terceros, a menos que nos solicites específicamente que lo hagamos.
If you wish to keep your entire record private—including directory information—you can submit a Request for Non-Disclosure of Directory Information. This form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar in the Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160, along with a photo ID.
If you submit this form, we will not release any of your information unless we are faced with an extenuating circumstance (e.g., subpoena or health emergency). However, this means that we can’t even release information to you, unless you come to the Office of the Registrar in person and present a photo ID or send an email through your MSU Denver email account. Additionally, we will not be able to provide information for ANY future requests from third parties. For example:
MSU Denver will honor your request to keep your records private, but we encourage you to consider all potential implications before submitting this form.
Si deseas mantener la confidencialidad de todo tu expediente (incluida la información del directorio), puedes presentar una solicitud de no divulgación de la información del directorio. Este formulario se debe presentar, junto con una identificación con foto, en la siguiente dirección: Office of the Registrar, Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160.
Si presentas este formulario, no divulgaremos ninguna información, a menos que se trate de circunstancias atenuantes (p. ej., citación judicial o emergencia médica). Sin embargo, esto significa que tampoco podremos darte información a ti, a menos que te dirijas personalmente a la Oficina de Secretaría General y muestres una identificación con foto o nos envíes un mensaje a través de la cuenta de correo electrónico de MSU Denver. Tampoco podremos proporcionar información si un tercero lo solicita en el futuro. Por ejemplo:
En MSU Denver respetaremos tu solicitud de mantener la confidencialidad de tu expediente, pero te sugerimos que consideres todas las posibles repercusiones antes de presentar este formulario.
Students may inspect and review their education records upon a written request submitted to the Office of the Registrar in the Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160 (#3)
Campus Box 84
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, Colorado
FERPA grants all educational institutions 45 days to gather all contents of your educational record. In most cases, we can honor your request in less than 45 days; however, we encourage you to plan ahead if you need the information within a specific timeframe.
Para examinar y revisar tus expedientes educativos, podrás enviar una solicitud por escrito a la siguiente dirección: Office of the Registrar, Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160 (#3).
Campus Box 84
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, Colorado
La Ley FERPA otorga a todas las instituciones educativas 45 días para recopilar todo el contenido de los expedientes estudiantiles. En la mayoría de los casos, podemos cumplir con la solicitud en menos de 45 días; sin embargo, es conveniente que planifiques con antelación si necesitarás la información dentro de un plazo específico.
A student may make a written request to amend a record.
The statement will be maintained as part of the student’s education records as long as the contested portion is maintained. If MSU Denver decides that the information is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights, it will amend the record and notify the student, in writing, that the record has been amended.
El estudiante podrá formular una solicitud por escrito para rectificar un expediente.
La declaración se conservará como parte de los expedientes educativos, siempre y cuando se mantenga la sección impugnada. Si MSU Denver determina que la información es incorrecta, engañosa o constituye una contravención de los derechos del estudiante, rectificará el expediente y notificará por escrito al estudiante sobre la modificación efectuada.
FERPA is occasionally amended, which means your rights as a student may change over time. MSU Denver outlines your FERPA rights in an annual notification posted in the Student Handbook and University Catalog. Please take a minute to read each annual notification for any changes to FERPA regulations.
La Ley FERPA se modifica ocasionalmente, es decir que tus derechos como estudiante podrán cambiar con el transcurso del tiempo. MSU Denver describe tus derechos en virtud de la Ley FERPA en una notificación anual que se publica en el Manual del estudiante y el Catálogo de la Universidad. Tómate unos minutos para leer cada notificación actual y ver si hubo cambios en las reglamentaciones de la Ley FERPA.
Now that your child is in college, the rights to access his or her educational records have been transferred directly to the student. This means that your student has sole “ownership” of his or her records.
The following dropdowns outline FERPA as it may pertain to you. The Office of the Registrar is the official University student record keeper. If your questions are not answered below, please call the Office of the Registrar at (303) 556-3991.
Ahora que su hijo asiste a la universidad, los derechos de acceso a los expedientes educativos se transfirieron directamente al estudiante. Esto significa que su hijo es el “propietario” exclusivo de sus expedientes.
Las siguientes secciones desplegables describen la información sobre la Ley FERPA que se relaciona con usted. La Oficina de Secretaría General es el organismo oficial de la Universidad donde se conservan los expedientes estudiantiles. Si no encuentra respuesta a sus preguntas aquí, llame a la Oficina de Secretaría General al (303) 556-3991.
The easiest way to receive information about your student’s academic progress, tuition statement, and other educational information is to ask them to directly provide you with it. All MSU Denver students can access information regarding their grades, classes, and tuition bills online at STUDENT HUB.
If your student is unable to directly provide their records, they must add you as a “Proxy” in order to grant you access. Once your student has completed this, you will receive email instructions on creating your account to access information.
You can access information in the following ways:
However, if you claim your student as a dependent when filing your taxes, you can access certain parts of his or her record (e.g., grades, tuition information, etc.) without prior written consent. In order to access this information, you must come to the Office of the Registrar in person and present your most recent tax return documents.
La forma más sencilla de recibir información sobre el progreso académico, el estado de cuenta de la matrícula y otros datos educativos es pedírsela directamente a su hijo. Todos los estudiantes de MSU Denver pueden acceder a la información sobre sus calificaciones, clases y facturación de la colegiatura en internet, en el CENTRO ESTUDIANTIL.
Si el estudiante no puede proporcionarle directamente dichos expedientes, deberá agregarlo como “apoderado” para otorgarle el acceso. Una vez que complete este proceso, usted recibirá instrucciones por correo electrónico para crear su cuenta y acceder a la información.
Usted podrá acceder a la información de las siguientes maneras:
Sin embargo, si incluyó a su hijo como dependiente en la declaración de impuestos, puede acceder a determinadas secciones de su expediente (p. ej., calificaciones, información sobre la colegiatura, etc.) sin el consentimiento previo por escrito. Para tener acceso a esta información, debe dirigirse personalmente a la Oficina de Secretaría General y presentar la declaración de impuestos más reciente.
Your student will need to provide properly documented consent to share information about their records. This means you will need to be added as a Proxy to their account before you can participate in phone calls, Teams meetings, and/or in person meetings. Please see the section “How can I get a copy of my student’s education records?” to see details about being added as a Proxy.
Su estudiante tendrá que presentar un documento de consentimiento para compartir información sobre sus archivos. Esto significa que tendrá que ser agregado como Proxy a su cuenta antes de poder participar en llamadas telefónicas, reuniones de Teams, y/o reuniones en persona. Consulte la sección “¿Cómo puedo obtener una copia del expediente educativo de mi hijo?” para obtener más información sobre cómo ser agregado como Proxy.
Many MSU Denver parents try to financially assist their students in some way. Yet, all parents must either have their student add them as a “Proxy” to view their education records, or they must provide their most recent tax form showing they claim their student as a dependent. Please see the section above for information on both options.
Muchos padres intentan ayudar económicamente de alguna manera a sus hijos mientras estudian en MSU Denver. Sin embargo, sus hijos deben haberlos agregado como “apoderados” para que puedan ver los expedientes educativos, o los padres deben presentar la declaración de impuestos más reciente para comprobar que los incluyeron como dependientes. Consulte la sección anterior para obtener información sobre las dos opciones.
The Proxy Management system does not serve as an automatic request for records. If you would like to access certain information, you can use the custom link sent to your email, reach out to us over the phone, over email, or in person. Please refer to the section “What do I need to verify my identity as a proxy?” for more information on verifying your identity to access information. If you would like to access information differently, contact the department responsible. If you are not sure who to contact, the Office of the Registrar (303-556-3991) will gladly assist you.
El sistema de gestión de apoderados no funciona como una solicitud automática de expedientes. Si desea acceder a determinada información, puede usar el enlace personalizado que recibió por correo electrónico. Si desea acceder a la información de otra manera, comuníquese con el departamento correspondiente. Si no está seguro a dónde debe dirigirse, llame a la Oficina de Secretaría General (303-556-3991) y un miembro del personal podrá ayudarle.
Now that your student has added you as a proxy, it is important that you have the correct information to allow us to verify your identity. These requirements are meant to protect your student and stay in compliance with FERPA regulations.
If you’d like to contact us over the phone, you will need to provide:
If you’d like to contact us over email, you will need to provide:
If a proxy contacts you in person, you will verify them by:
FERPA regulations apply only to educational records, which do not include any medical or counseling records maintained on campus. Thus, the FERPA Release Form does not grant you access to these records.
The release of medical and counseling records is governed by other Federal regulations, campus policies, and standards for professional ethics. In most cases, your student can provide written consent allowing medical professionals to release certain information to you or other third parties; however, this written consent is specific to the medical office and cannot be transferred to educational offices on campus.
Las reglamentaciones de la Ley FERPA se aplican únicamente a los expedientes educativos, que no incluyen ningún registro de los servicios de atención médica o apoyo psicológico que se mantienen en el campus. Por lo tanto, el formulario de divulgación en virtud de la Ley FERPA no le permite acceder a dichos expedientes.
La divulgación de los expedientes de los servicios de atención médica y apoyo psicológico se rige por otras reglamentaciones federales, las políticas del campus y las normas de ética profesional. En la mayoría de los casos, el estudiante puede otorgar el consentimiento por escrito para permitir que los profesionales de la salud divulguen cierta información a sus padres u otros terceros; no obstante, este consentimiento por escrito es específico para la Clínica de Salud y no se puede transferir a las oficinas académicas del campus.
FERPA is a Federal policy governed by the U.S. Department of Education. The Department’s website provides the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act in its entirety.
La Ley FERPA es una ley federal establecida por el Departamento de Educación de Estados Unidos. En el sitio web del Departamento, está publicada la Ley de Privacidad y Derechos Educativos de la Familia en su totalidad.
As a staff or faculty member at MSU Denver, it is your responsibility to oversee and uphold the rights that FERPA grants to our students. These basic guidelines should be used when working with all MSU Denver students:
Student rights, procedure for inspecting and reviewing education records, procedures for amending educational records, nondisclosure and exceptions, and directory information are found in the University catalog under “Student Rights and Responsibilities”.
School officials can only access information regarding a student’s education record when they have a legitimate educational interest. Legitimate educational interest varies based on a school official’s job responsibilities and job description.
If the reason a school official is requesting records does not directly correlate to their immediate responsibilities, they are not awarded the ability to access, view, or obtain protected education records.
Yes. Faculty and staff members who are recording class sessions are required to provide students with the Student Consent to Release Confidential Information
Relating to Classroom Recordings form.
This form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar BEFORE any recordings can be viewed or shared for educational or promotional purposes.
If you suspect that a FERPA violation has taken place, please contact the FERPA Expert Team at in the Registrar’s Office. The team will determine the best plan of action based on the specifics of the situation.
All MSU Denver student records are considered educational records, with the following exceptions:
Otherwise, a student’s 900#, grades, GPA, class schedule, residency status, marital status and all other information we have on file are considered educational records and, thus, protected by FERPA. As a school official, you are granted access to this information as long as you have a legitimate educational need to know. It is your responsibility to protect this information whenever you access it.
Directory information is part of a student’s educational record; however, school officials are permitted to share this information with credible third parties. When requesting for lists of students, the lists are limited to directory information only. MSU Denver considers the following as directory information:
All other personal information is considered private and cannot be disclosed to third parties unless we have prior written consent from the student.
If you are working with a proxy individually or with the student present, you will need to verify their identity before any student education records can be shared. Each method a proxy contacts us requires different verification.
If a proxy contacts you over the phone, you will verify them by:
If a proxy contacts you over email, you will verify them by:
If a proxy contacts you in person, you will verify them by:
If you do not have access to GPAPRXY on Banner, please contact FERPA experts at to verify on your behalf.
Students can request to keep their entire educational record private—including directory information—by completing a non disclosure request form in which a confidentiality hold will be placed on their account. If a student has requested non disclosure, a window indicating confidentiality hold will appear in the Banner System each time you try to access their record.
If this window does appear, you cannot disclose ANY part of the student’s record to anyone. The only time you can discuss the record with the student is when (s)he comes to your office and presents a valid photo ID. The non disclosure request form can be found on the Office of the Registrar website under forms.
When writing a letter of recommendation for a student, you cannot disclose information from the student’s educational record (e.g., GPA) without the student’s written consent. However, you can disclose directory information as long as the student does not have a Confidentiality Hold on their account. You may have to have the student provide you written consent to release the information. It should contain the student name, student identification number, information to be released, and the individual or group to whom the record is to be released. Maintain the records for your protection. If a student files a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education, the Office of the Registrar can refer to you to obtain the written consent.
In order to release private, personally identifiable information, we must obtain prior written consent from the student. A statement of written consent must contain the following:
This can all be provided through Proxy Management
You can release a student’s 900# to the student if you are able to verify their identity. The best way to verify an identity is to ask for a photo ID (e.g., MSU Denver Student ID, driver’s license, passport). If the student does not have a photo ID or you are speaking with them over the phone, you will need to ask 4-5 questions.
Questions to ask:
Helpful hints:
Official transcripts may only be released through the Office of the Registrar in the Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160 (#3).
Always remember: When in doubt, don’t give it out!
Before discussing any progress in class or non-directory information including grades, you will need to have the student’s written consent. You may have the student simply provide you a written consent to release the information. It should contain the student name, student identification number, information to be discussed, and whom this can be discussed with. Maintain the record for your protection. If the student files a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education, the Office of the Registrar can refer to you to obtain the written consent.
The Office of the Registrar is the official record keeper. You will refer them directly to the Office of the Registrar. We will verify the release and the person asking for the release to assist them with the request.
The Office of the Registrar offers weekly in-person trainings for faculty and staff. To sign up for one of these trainings, please contact the FERPA expert team at
Solomon Amendment
The Solomon Amendment is a federal law requiring colleges and universities to provide “Student Recruitment Information” to eligible units within the five branches of military service. Military recruiters from each eligible unit may request the “Student Recruitment Information” once each semester.
Information may be provided for the current, subsequent, or immediate previous semester for all students, aged 17 and older, who are/were registered for at least one credit hour of the requested semester.
Enmienda Solomon
La Enmienda Solomon es una ley federal que exige a las universidades e instituciones de enseñanza superior que proporcionen la información para el reclutamiento de estudiantes a las unidades elegibles dentro de las cinco ramas de servicio militar. Los reclutadores militares de cada unidad elegible podrán solicitar dicha información una vez por semestre.
Se puede brindar información correspondiente al semestre actual, siguiente o inmediatamente anterior de todos los estudiantes de 17 años o más, que están o estaban inscritos para al menos una hora crédito del semestre en cuestión.
According the Solomon Amendment, Student Recruitment Information is defined as:
Military recruiters must recognize that this information is confidential and must not be shared with third parties or other organizations. Once the data have been used, whether in electronic or paper format, they should be deleted or destroyed.
What recruiters MAY NOT ask for / information MSU Denver will NOT provide:
Según la Enmienda Solomon, la información para el reclutamiento de estudiantes comprende lo siguiente:
Los reclutadores militares deben reconocer que esta información es confidencial y no se debe compartir con terceros u otras organizaciones. Una vez que se utilicen los datos, ya sea en formato electrónico o impreso, se deben eliminar o destruir.
Los reclutadores NO PODRÁN solicitar esta información y MSU Denver NO la proporcionará:
Information released is limited to military recruiting purposes only. The following is a list of eligible units of the military:
La información se divulga con la única finalidad de ser usada para reclutamiento militar. A continuación, se indica una lista de las unidades militares elegibles:
While students cannot restrict the release of “Student Recruiting Information” specifically to the military, a student may submit a request to withhold the release of their FERPA “directory information” to any non-institutional persons or organizations, which would include the military.
For more information on withholding the release of information to all non-institutional persons or organizations, please visit the Office of the Registrar’s Forms webpage for the Non-Disclosure of Directory Information form.
Si bien los estudiantes no pueden impedir la divulgación de la información para el reclutamiento específicamente a los servicios militares, pueden presentar una solicitud para restringir la divulgación de la información del directorio contemplada por la Ley FERPA a cualquier organización o persona no perteneciente a una institución, lo cual incluiría a los servicios militares.
Para informarte sobre cómo restringir la divulgación de información a toda organización o persona no perteneciente a una institución, visita la página web de formularios de la Oficina de Secretaría General para obtener el formulario de no divulgación de la información de directorio.